“When I travel to different countries for photography I like to keep my trip wide open without many plans, when traveling to Iceland I made sure this waterfall (Kirkjufellfoss) was in the plans. Ever since first seeing it online I wanted to capture its beauty. As the sun started to rise around 3 am we drove full speed through the Fjords to get to this location just in time. The sun rose over the falls and lit everything up with a golden glow, so I started snapping away.
In terms of processing I shot 9 exposures starting at -4EV and ending at +4EV. These were then processed in Photomatix and all the exposures were then blended back together with the Photomatix file in Photoshop CS6. After that I used Nik Color Efex and Luminosity Masking to bring out the colors and light. Final color corrections were made and the file was saved and finished.”
— Dave Morrow